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Female Teacher and Student


Month 1

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Teacher Helping a Student

Month 2

Product Page: Products

One-On-One Tutoring

Month 3

Do one print a day. Say the words. Say, "one" when you see the number one.

Month 4

Reviewing for the Exam
One-On-One Tutoring

Level 2 

A four week course

This course covers: alphabet I-Q, numbers 11-20, colors including green, orange, purple and brown, I'm (years old). I'm (name). I'm (nationality).

Reviewing for the Exam

Level 3

This sections covers: alphabet R-Z, numbers (30, 40, 50..), colors including black, white and grey, I'm (emotion).

Product Page: Stores Product Widget
Beginners Month 2

Beginners Month 2

Number, Colors, Alphabet and Review Prints

30 Prints

30 Answers

Voice recording of directions

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